
Convention signed on 05/06/2003 with the common interest in promoting a European culture on the environmentally friendly use of natural, agricultural, rural and forestry resources with a view of expanding the Union to Central and Eastern Europe countries and to favor the internationalization process of local, public and private institutions; to promote every possible form of collaboration between rural, forestry and environment operators in general belonging to the current EU member states and to those in
pre-­‐accession; to collaborate in administrative twinning projects (Twinning).

Collaboration agreements signed on 03/07/2006 to develop and manage the SIM station -­‐ Mountain Information System which, was stipulated, at the Protocol / Convention, between Federforeste and the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali) -­‐ General Directorate of Forest, Mountain and Water Resources (Direzione Generale delle Risorse Forestali, Montane e Idriche) signed on 25/10/2000 for the creation of a data bank on civic state properties (demani civici) and collective ownership properties in the specific thematic aimed at creating the “Charter of Civic Uses”.

Agreement and Program Protocol (Protocollo d’Intesa e di Programma) signed on 10/07/2006 for the promotion of informing, training and environmental education initiatives, aimed at enhancing the agro-­silvi­‐pastoral resources and sustainable forestry management of private and public collective ownership properties.

2004 Convention for activities such as accounting, and tax management of the foundation’s social activity, personnel management, research, scheduling and planning of initiatives in Medit Silva’s areas of competence, supply, provision and management of Medit Silva’s instrumentation and equipment and the services connected to them.

Agreement signed on 21/05/2008 for training and orientation internship.

Agreement signed on 17/07/2008 as a partnership with particular reference to the management of mountain areas. This agreement was renewed in 2016.

Convention stipulated on 21/11/2008 to take joint initiatives in the research field on common land and common properties and professional training, in planning, organizing and setting up post-­‐diploma and post-­‐graduate training courses.

Agreement signed on 06/05/2010 for the collaboration of research and teaching activities

Agreement signed on 15/11/2010 for the organization and management of training activities with particular reference to the environmental field/sector, agro-­‐silvi-­‐pastoral and management of mountain areas.

Convention stipulated on 20/12/2015 for research, training, development and assistance activities, for the institutional strengthening of the Consortium itself and of the bodies present in it.

Convention stipulated on 20/12/2015 for research, training, development and assistance activities, for the institutional strengthening of the Consortium itself and of the bodies present in it.

Cooperation agreement signed on 20/11/2017 aiming to promote collaborations in joint research projects in the areas of common interest, in students’ training courses and in joint participation of programs promoted by the EU or other bodies and foundations, making the structures and specific personnel’s skills available to each other.

Agreement signed on 21/12/2017 for the development and evolution of planning on issues relating to forestry management and inland areas, climate change, sustainable resources and the natural environment in general.
